Entomological Component


To investigate the breeding sites and ecology of local vector populations and their transmission potential. This data was used to identify possible transmission hotspots within each village.


  • Larval and adult sampling was used to determine the breeding habitat types of the different Anopheles species and to identify transmission hotspots by correlating larval distributions with those of human-biting adult mosquitoes.

  • Potential breeding grounds for Anopheles mosquitoes were inspected within and on the outskirts of each village. The position of sites with Anopheles larvae was recorded and larvae were collected.

  • Two to four weeks later, adult mosquitoes were sampled at the breeding sites using human landing catches (HLC) and barrier screens (BS). Using HLC, collection took place both indoors and outdoors for two nights (12-hour period) at each location. Using BS, four screens were set up at each village and adult mosquitoes were collected over 12 hours.

  • At villages in Lemakot, adult collections were also carried out (2-12 hours) for four nights at common social areas where villagers meet from the afternoon into the early evening and night (e.g. rivers for bathing, sport fields or churches).

  • Collected larvae and adults were counted and identified to species. This data was used to compare the potential for malaria transmission between coastal and inland villages.